Abigail and the Forbidden City BD

Aleksandr Boguslavskiy

When townspeople start dying from a mysterious illness, Abigail’s town closes itself off from the outside world and takes away everyone infected with the disease, including Abigail’s beloved father, to be executed. Ten years later, as she’s trying to escape the town’s security forces, Abby uncovers a shocking truth - her father may still be alive. Filled with danger and discoveries, Abby sets out on a magical steampunk adventure that overturns everything she once knew about the world, her family and even herself.

Kustantaja: Cinema Mondo
Sidosasu: dvd
ean: 5705535064958
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2019
Hyllypaikka (Sivullinen kirjakauppa): 2409 dvd

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