The Conqueror (Blu-ray)
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The Conqueror (Blu-ray)

Dick Powell

Hollywood icon John Wayne stars as the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan in the lavish period epic The Conqueror. Produced by the legendary Howard Hughes (Hell’s Angels), the directorial debut of actor Dick Powell (Christmas in July) features a cast of thousands and period costumes recreating 12th century China. Boasting an international cast that includes Academy Award® winner* Susan Hayward, Agnes Moorehead, Pedro Armendariz and William Conrad, this unforgettable Eastern Western showcases “The Duke" in one of his most unusual roles ever.

Kustantaja: Elokuvapalvelu J. Suomalainen
Sidosasu: dvd
ean: 5705643990125
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2022
Kirjastoluokka: BR

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