YLI 25 EURON OSTOKSET SUOMEEN ILMAN POSTIKULUJA (raja normaalisti 50 €, tarjous voimassa 22.9.24 klo 23:59 asti)

After Dark

Murakami, Haruki

The midnight hour approaches in an almost-empty diner. Mari sips her coffee and reads a book, but soon her solitude is disturbed: a girl has been beaten up at the Alphaville hotel, and needs Mari’s help.

Meanwhile Mari’s beautiful sister Eri lies in a deep, heavy sleep that is ’too perfect, too pure’ to be normal; it has lasted for two months. But tonight as the digital clock displays 00:00, a hint of life flickers across the television screen in her room, even though it’s plug has been pulled out.

Strange nocturnal happenings, or a trick of the night?

Kustantaja: Penguin
Sidosasu: Pehmeäkantinen
ean: 9780099506249
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2008
Kirjastoluokka: 84.5 Kaunokirjallisuus
Hyllypaikka (Sivullinen kirjakauppa): huhtikuu 24 UKF fictio kirjahylly

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