Une Femme est une Femme
Jean-Luc Godard
Ei suomitekstiä. Tekstitys englanniksi.
Ikäraja 16.
Director Jean-Luc Godard deconstructs the classic MGM musical in the first of his films to star then wife Anna Karina. Nightclub stripper Angela (Karina) wants to have a baby but her lover Emile (Jean-Claude Brialy) refuses to co-operate. Angela threatens to get pregnant by the first man that comes along and Emile suggests his friend Alfred (Jean-Paul Belmondo), who is in love with Angela.
Kustantaja: UKFilms
ean: 5060034578840
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2017
Hyllypaikka (Sivullinen kirjakauppa): DVD pöytä
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