Monkey Business (Rakas minä nuorrun)
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Monkey Business (Rakas minä nuorrun)

Hawks, Howard

Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers star in this classic - comedy about a alchemist who discovers the secret of eternal youth. For years, Dr. Barnaby Fulton (Grant) has been working on a youth-restoring serum with little success - until the day a chimpanzee gets loose in the lab and accidentally concocts the exact formula Fulton has been searching for. The hilarity begins when, unbeknownst to anyone the chimpanzee pours it into the office water cooler. For which with each successive drink, everyone gets younger. When Fulton’s stunning secretary (Marilyn Monroe) and lovely wife get a taste of the potion, the chemical reaction is explosive and hilarious fun.

Kustantaja: Fox Classics
Sidosasu: dvd
ean: 7391772397430
Ilmestymisvuosi: 1952

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