Action Items Pad

Knock Knock Pad

Spring into action with this pad that lets you list and prioritize urgent tasks, whether it’s "get more clients!" or "get more toilet paper!" (and we all know which one is more important at the moment). Because actions (and exclamation points!) really do speak louder than words.

  • A to-do list notepad that conveys urgency!
  • Get your act together with ease, élan, and desk accessories! 
  • 6 x 9 inches, 60 sheets

Kustantaja: Knock Knock Books
ean: 9781601068781
Ilmestymisvuosi: 2016

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Rosebud Sivullinen3
Sivullisen kellari0
Rosebud Citycenter2
Rosebud Kaivopiha2
Rosebud Tiedekulma1
Rosebud Maria0
Rosebud Kuopio1
Keskusvarasto 0
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